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Organizational ps chologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals -- including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because the 're the ones who tr the most," Grant sa s. 亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant) 知名心理学家、沃顿商学院最受好评的明星教授,著有畅销书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)、《离经叛道》(Originals)。他是研究内在驱动力和人生意义的顶级专家。 Adam Grant shows us with compelling research and fascinating stories there is a better way.” —Lenny Mendonca , director, McKinsey & Co. “Adam Grant, a rising star of positive psychology, seamlessly weaves together science and stories of business success and failure, convincing us that giving is, in the long run, the recipe for success in 目前,她和两个孩子生活在美国加州。亚当・格兰特(Adam Grant)知名心理学家、沃顿商学院最受好评的明星教授,著有畅销书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)、《离经叛道》(Originals)。他是研究内在驱动力和人生意义的顶级专家。 离经叛道 不按常理出牌的人如何改变世界 (美)亚当·格兰特(Adam Grant) 浙江大学出版社 正版书籍 新华书店旗舰店文轩官网 32.69元 / 自由组合套装 / 新华文轩网络书店 Give and take_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区 3178人阅读|156次下载. Give and take_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。G ive and Take A Revolutionary Approach to Success Adam Grant Weidenfeld & Nicolson london 01 02

~>[^EPUB] Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World

By Adam Ruben Mar. 31, 2021. How Ph.D. students can make the most of virtual internships. By Katie Langin Mar. 30, 2021 ‘I’m empty.’ Pandemic scientists are burning out—and don’t see an 畅销书《向前一步》作者、脸书coo谢丽尔•桑德伯格的丈夫戴夫•高德伯格于2015年5月突然去世,她认为自己和孩子们再也不会有真正纯粹的快乐了。谢丽尔在书中写道:“我陷入了空虚。巨大的空虚占据了我的心脏、我的肺叶,限制了我思考的能力,甚至呼吸的能力。

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英文原版Think Again-AdamGrant[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]Kindle

[作者]亚当・格兰特 [出版社]lsz2013year Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔・桑德伯格倾情作序,稳居《纽约时报》、美国亚马逊畅销榜第1位,来自我们这个时代最杰出的思想家之一。 亚当是我最欣赏的作者,这本有趣的书充满深刻而新颖的见解。――《异类》作者马尔科姆・格拉德威尔 如果当初为数不多的 WorkLife with Adam Grant. We spend a quarter of our lives at work, but too little time thinking about how to make it better. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes you inside unconventional workplaces to explore the ideas we can all use to make work more meaningful and creative. Learn more about WorkLife with Adam Grant Sheryl received a BA summa cum laude from Harvard University and an MBA with highest distinction from Harvard Business School. Sheryl is the co-author of Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy with Wharton professor and bestselling author Adam Grant, which will …

亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant) 知名心理学家、沃顿商学院最受好评的明星教授,著有畅销书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)、《离经叛道》(Originals)。他是研究内在驱动力和人生意义的 … 沃顿商学院最受欢迎的思维课pdf作者信息. 亚当格兰特(Adam Grant),沃顿商学院终身教授,连续四年被评为“沃顿受欢迎的教师”,位居“全球25位具影响力的管理思想家”之列,并入围《商业周刊》评选出的“40位40岁以下优秀的商学院教授”。 哈佛大学学士 雅阁书电子书下载站,提供最新电子书图书免费下载 Adam Alter. 巢. 蒋林. 哈佛极简中国史 [美] 阿尔伯特·克雷格. 什么是科学. 吴国盛. 古代汉语常识. 王力. 日本第一 [美] 傅高义. Originals. Adam Grant. Adam Grant shows us with compelling research and fascinating stories there is a better way.” —Lenny Mendonca , director, McKinsey & Co. “Adam Grant, a rising star of positive psychology, seamlessly weaves together science and stories of business success and failure, convincing us that giving is, in the long run, the recipe for success in ”——亚当·格兰特(Adam Grant)《纽约时报》畅销书《离经叛道》(Originals)、《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)等书作者 在这本睿智而尖锐的书里,亚当·奥尔特为生活中一种无形的危险摆出了证据:行为上瘾。 目前,她和两个孩子生活在美国加州。亚当・格兰特(Adam Grant)知名心理学家、沃顿商学院最受好评的明星教授,著有畅销书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)、《离经叛道》(Originals)。他是研究内在驱动力和人生意义的顶级专家。 另一种选择pdf是一本教你如何进行选择的书籍,我们在人生生活当中难免有许多的选择题可以做,但是如何选择另一种选择呢,本书从多方面讲起,内容非常丰富。. 图书内容提要. 畅销书《向前一步》作者、脸书COO谢丽尔·桑德伯格的丈夫戴夫·高德伯格于2015年5月突然去世,谢丽尔感觉自己和孩子

Adam Segal, _The Hacked World Order_ How Nations Fight, Trade, Maneuver, and Manipulate in the Digital Age. 星级: 90 页. Teachers Make the Move to the Virtual World. 星级: 4 页. Originals, How Non-Conformists Move the World - Adam Grant. 星级: 374 页. adam. 星级: 18 页 Organizational ps chologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals -- including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because the 're the ones who tr the most," Grant sa s. 亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant) 知名心理学家、沃顿商学院最受好评的明星教授,著有畅销书《沃顿商学院最受欢迎的成功课》(Give and Take)、《离经叛道》(Originals)。他是研究内在驱动力和人生意义的 … 沃顿商学院最受欢迎的思维课pdf作者信息. 亚当格兰特(Adam Grant),沃顿商学院终身教授,连续四年被评为“沃顿受欢迎的教师”,位居“全球25位具影响力的管理思想家”之列,并入围《商业周刊》评选出的“40位40岁以下优秀的商学院教授”。 哈佛大学学士

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